Acupuncture + Holistic Nutrition

Focused on the root cause of your symptoms to eliminate both, the root and the symptoms.

Helping you identify hormonal imbalances and nutrient deficiencies through all stages of menses and menopause.



East-Asian Medicine

Not your typical acupuncture session!

A very gentle, hands on approach, sessions with Lindsey are totally focused on you.

East-Asian medicine is so much more than acupuncture needles!

Lindsey utilizes a variety of Japanese tools in addition to the acupuncture needle to help your body return to a balanced state.

If you’re sensitive to needles or have had painful experiences with deep, aggressive acupuncture techniques, give Lindsey a try!

Acupuncture + Nutrition

A powerful combination!

Personalized nutrition tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle combined with the healing power of East-Asian medicine is next level to help you reach your health goals and rid yourself of unwanted symptoms.

Both acupuncture and nutrition focus on the root cause driving your symptoms. Often that starts in the gut (yes, even with menstrual and menopausal symptoms).

By combining both modalities you are engaged in both passive relaxing on the table during acupuncture sessions and actively adjusting your current nutrition to help return your body to balance.

Holistic Nutrition

Mighty medicine!

Eating in a way that supports your bodies specific needs is a game changer!

A comprehensive intake and assessment with the utilization of labs reveals nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances. From there, Lindsey creates a personalized treatment plan, tailored specifically to you.

Nutrition is not diet culture.


Meet Lindsey

I love East-Asian medicine, bringing joy back to food and am a bit obsessed with the word freedom and what that means for clients. I have especially taken to Japanese Meridian therapy, a gentle, deliberate, and balanced modality. Click to ‘learn more’ about me and the crazy cat I now reside with…


The level of care Lindsey provides goes beyond practitioner and patient. I really felt genuine care and interest in understanding me as a complex and unique person. If you want to be seen and understood, Lindsey is absolutely the person to trust on your health journey..

— Alisa P, Client

Lindsey's hands holding citrine heart
