Combining East-Asian Medicine with Holistic, Personalized Nutrition


Have you talked with your gynecologist about your painful periods or severe PMS only to have them suggest birth control, pain killers, or a SSRI to “manage” your symptoms?

  • Are you periods so debilitating that you miss a day of work due to the pain?

  • Do your relationships suffer because of intense mood swings a week or so before your period?

  • Are your labs “within normal range”, yet you continue to feel exhausted?

  • Are you doing all the “right” things yet your metabolism seems to be working against you?

  • Are you wanting off the diet merry-go-round that never works or seems to last?


Are you tired of the band-aid approach and ready to make some lasting shifts for your health?!

I can help!

There’s a connection between your brain, gut, and reproductive system! If one part is off, it wreaks havoc on the whole system. inflammation and nutrient deficiencies are often at the root! We can’t treat one part without addressing the whole.


We work together to uncover:

  • Patterns and imbalances from a Chinese medicine lens - how your internal organs are functions together and where the imbalances are manifesting throughout your body, tongue, pulse, and abdomen.

  • Nutrient deficiencies disrupting your biochemical processes.

  • Inflammation.

  • Leaky gut, food sensitivities, yeast, and any parasites wreaking havoc in your body.

  • The health of your microbiome and estrobolome.

  • Liver function and how well your detox pathways are functioning.

  • Cortisol levels and how stress effects your health

  • What is disrupting your sleep

The level of care Lindsey provides goes beyond practitioner and patient. I really felt genuine care and interest in understanding me as a complex and unique person. If you want to be seen and understood, Lindsey is absolutely the person to trust on your health journey.
— Alisa P

About Lindsey(she/her)

I love East-Asian medicine, bringing joy back to food and am a bit obsessed with the word freedom and what that means for clients.  I have especially taken to Japanese Meridian therapy, a gentle, deliberate, and balanced modality. Click to ‘learn more’ about me and the crazy cat I now reside with… 

Lindsey helped me release anxiety and provided a brief respite from my deep emotional pain. She is a brilliant, kind, gentle, and a natural healer who truly listened and honored me, I felt calm just being in her presence. I recommend Lindsey to anyone looking for a seasoned healing professional who is highly effective and respectful. Lindsey is AMAZiNG - she will help you - that I know for sure.
— Kris